We are an Evangelical, Reformed, and Presbyterian Church.

  • By Evangelical, we mean that we believe the Bible to be God’s inspired and inerrant word. In it we discover the truth about who God is, and who we are. The Bible gives us the best news of all, that Jesus came to redeem all those who come to Him in repentance and faith!

  • By Reformed, we mean that we hold fast to the Christian doctrines that were rediscovered during the Protestant Reformation. In the 1500 and 1600’s, Protestant Reformers such as Martin Luther, John Calvin and others worked to return the church to it’s Biblical roots. While we praise God for His work in the Reformers, we also acknowledge that they were sinners in need of grace, just as we are. We also believe that Reformed Theology, or the Doctrines of Grace, are the best way to understand the Bible and grow in our Christian faith.

  • By Presbyterian, we mean that our church is led by a plurality of elders. Every year our congregation has the opportunity to nominate and elect men to serve as ruling elders on the session. Our pastor also serves on the session as a teaching elder. Both ruling and teaching elders work together with equal authority to govern our local body. Additionally, our local church is a part of a much larger body. We are a member of the Presbyterian Church in America. As part of a larger denomination, our local elders participate in regional and national gatherings called Presbytery and General Assembly, where we work together with other like-minded churches, seeking to be faithful to God and to fulfill the Great Commission.

    We hold to the Westminster Standards as the doctrinal standard of the church. Though no creed or catechism holds the same authority as the Old and New Testaments, we believe the Westminster Standards to be an accurate summary of Biblical truth.

    If you would like to learn more about what we believe please feel free to contact us!